Acne During Pregnancy

Acne During Pregnancy

Acne and Pregnancy

Blissfully happy with a baby on the way but don’t love the acne popping up on your skin? Read on and we’ll explore just why you may be experiencing breakouts and how to best get a handle on them — and safely.


There are two likely causes as to why you may be experiencing pregnancy acne. First, around your sixth week of conception your hormones dramatically increase, notably progesterone, which causes your glands to produce more oil secretions, leading to acne as pores are clogged with dead skin cells and bacteria builds. Second, your body is retaining increased fluids, which can reduces fewer toxins release that can result in breakouts.

Getting Clear

The good news is you don’t have to live with acne, even in pregnancy as there are safe and effective ways to treat it. That’s where we at Pure Skin Makeup & Skincare Studio comes in. Remember that the best way to treat acne is to not ignore your condition. We can help to evaluate your skin — even virtually — and recommend a treatment plan and customized products that are safe for pregnant women to use along the way. Our plan may even help to determine specific foods to add to your diet, or to pinpoint those you should avoid altogether. As trained esthetician I can help to determine what your acne triggers may be in an effort to reduce and ultimately eliminate them. Our goal is to help you and provide you with detail information to discuss and always approve with your doctor. We’ll also want to be sure you’re drinking plenty of water to flush the previously mentioned toxins from your system. 

Clearing the skin of acne is not an overnight process, but when you’re armed with a customized treatment plan and you remain committed to the effort, it can absolutely be done and we’re positive you’ll be thrilled with the results.

Ready to get started? We are here for you. Visit Pure Skin Makeup & Skincare Studio online at and click on the “Acne Program” link to schedule a consultation. You can find us by calling 484-243-0771 or email

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